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Thursday, 25 June 2015

Evaluating Human Resource Management Systems

A Seven-Step Plan for Selecting Human Resources and Payroll Management
Software that Meets Your Company’s Needs Now – and in the Future
The Need for Automation
Automating workforce management using integrated HR and payroll software is imperative for companies that want to control costs by increasing efficiency, reducing the risk associated with errors, and securing their place in a competitive talent market.
A Roadmap to HRMS Selection Success
Choosing a HRMS solution that meets your company’s needs now – and in the future – doesn’t need to be daunting. With a bit of pre-planning and a methodical approach to due diligence, you can quickly narrow your choices to create a technology shortlist that is deserving of further evaluation.
Although there are many variables that go into making a final decision, this discussion outlines seven key steps to evaluating HRMS solutions to integrate your critical HR and payroll processes. By using these seven steps as your initial evaluation roadmap, you will increase your chances of successfully achieving your HR and payroll automation goals and selecting the system that provides the best overall value.

Step #1: Set Realistic Goals for Your Search

Before researching HRMS solutions, it’s important to set basic goals and guidelines for your new technology initiative. You should establish a way to define the initiative as successful. In other words, what do you hope to achieve with an automated workforce management solution? If you don’t establish your desired end results, it will be difficult to assess whether your goals are realized.

Step #2: Map Your HR and Payroll Processes

Process mapping is a great time to create your “wish list” of functionality that will make your job easier and more productive.
When mapping each process, define what the process does, who it involves and the steps required to complete the task. Highlight areas of duplicate effort and note how the process contributes to the overall department workflow.

Step #3: Define High Level Functionality Needs

Identifying the core functionality needed to automate the processes mapped in Step #2 is next.
Define your needs at a high level. Some examples include:
  • Benefits management and administration
  • Employee self-service functions
  • Compliance reporting
  • Attendance tracking
  • Comprehensive payroll management, including complex tax calculations, deductions and benefits
  • User-based data security with protection of sensitive information
  • Audit trails for all entries and transactions
  • The ability to move closer to a near-paperless workflow
  • Data import and export capabilities
  • Comprehensive reporting

Step #4: Establish Reporting Requirements

Look for a HRMS solution that has a significant number of preformatted reports (with user-defined sorting and presentation features) that will meet most of your standard detail and summary reporting requirements. In addition, make sure that the program has a built-in custom report writer or is compatible with software such as Crystal Reports® so you can design the additional reports needed to satisfy your company’s unique reporting needs.

Step #5: Identify Forward-Looking Technology

If you want this conversion to new HRMS solutions to truly be your last, align with a solution provider that has documented plans to continually enhance its products to meet the ever-changing requirements of today’s business environment. In short, find out what capabilities are currently in development or planned for the near future.

Step #6: Evaluate the Vendors as Technology Partners

Although it may be tempting to choose a HRMS based on number of installations or market share, these factors don’t guarantee success. A large company with tens of thousands of clients (or more), for example, may have problems meeting even your most basic customer service requirements. That’s why you should thoroughly evaluate vendors to determine what kind of technology partners they will make over time.

Step #7: Determine the Best Overall Value

To truly define value as it relates to your organization, you need to identify the key, time-intensive functions within your company’s current HR and payroll operations that would benefit most by automation. These functions might include:
  • Manually creating reports or enrolling employees in benefits programs
  • Frequently reconciling payroll processing errors or manually managing payroll taxes
  • Duplicating data entry to keep your time-keeping or 401k systems up-to-date
Once your key functions are identified, calculate a dollar value associated with each one. For example, if Key Function #1 takes three hours a day to complete manually, at a conservative, fully-burdened rate of $27 an hour, that task is costing over $400 per week.
If, by automating that task, you can save two hours a day or more, then you have measurable return on investment (ROI).

Next Steps

If you’re diligent about following the steps outlined above, by the time you complete Step #7 you should have a better understanding of the integrated HRMS solutions that are on the market and the two or three products that are best suited to meet your needs.
The demo phase is when the rubber meets the road, so to speak, and you get to experience how each shortlist solution would drive your HR and payroll processes. By fully engaging in the demo process, a clear winner should emerge.
About the Endeavour Africa
Endeavour Africa offers a suite of human resource software and online payroll services designed for medium-size companies. Our HR software and payroll processing services are easy to set up, use, and are fully backed by friendly customer support professionals. To read more about selecting a HRMS solution, visit

Integrating HR and Payroll –Key Considerations and benefits for companies

Traditionally HR professionals have spend most of  their time on administrative
activities, but the pressure is now on for them to focus more on transformational work and so deliver more to the business. HR departments are addressing this expectation both through structural changes that enable them to standardize policies and procedures and through use of technology.
An important trend in payroll solutions is integration with HR applications. For progressive organizations HR, Payroll and Benefit functions have tremendous overlap and sharing the data ensures that all systems are in sync and using the most recent and accurate data.
Some key questions to ask when considering integrating your HR and Payroll systems could be:
• Do I believe that the flow of Management Information within my business can be improved?
• Do I know whether management reports can be produce on demand, accurately on any day?
• Does our current system save us money, enhance our employee satisfaction and contribute to improved customer satisfaction?
• Are we utilising the human capital in the HR department as effectively as possible? Does our HR and Payroll reside on different platforms?
Although HR & Payroll are dependent upon each other, they're completely different business processes. That's why,even though they ought to reside on the same platform, they often don't.
Integrating benefits and payroll on a single, enterprise-level platform, if done properly, is fast, accurate, and it doesn't require 24/7 supervision. The utilising the latest manager and employee self-service technology you can now deliver the platform's data via the Internet: your employees don't have to fill out paperwork, or trouble your HR staff on routine administrative matters. Everything they need is available via any desktop browser.
The volume of paperwork generated during the administration of traditional payroll systems and your human resource management function is phenomenal - both for the employer and the employee. Automating the Payroll process with the HR function will result in greatly reduced paper administration – at all employee levels - and will virtually eliminate all the input errors. Additional integration benefits include the automatic update of employee records and entitlements. For example when an individual is terminated, their payroll and benefits are automatically terminated at the same time. This means that you are no longer susceptible to cashflow leakage as a result of this commonly made error.

Payroll Software like Pocket payroll software from Sage can help you in better integration.
There are many benefits of having integrated HR capabilities with the Payroll System software or service, including:
  • No duplicate data entry – Changes made to the common HR and payroll database need to be entered only once. This eliminates errors and the need for duplicate entry of employee, pay rate, benefits and deduction information
  • Less paperwork — With payroll and HR data stored in the same database you can reduce unnecessary paperwork. For example, if HR enters a new benefit for an employee, the payroll deduction amount can be automatically established as part of the benefit plan. There is no need to submit another paper document to the payroll department.
  • Integrated Reporting — Consolidated reporting is valuable to management, but is virtually impossible without an integrated database and reporting tools. For example, management needs a report outlining each employee's "total compensation package." This report must contain employee information, benefits data from HR and compensation data including regular, overtime, bonus, commissions from payroll. You can only create this type of consolidated reporting with an integrated solution.
Tips for an effective integration of Payroll Systems and HR systems:
  • Prepare to re-organise as part of the project.
  • Set realistic timetables - rushing will limit the value of the benefits realization.
  • Set a benefits realisation plan for the project and monitor it during the course of the project, not just at the end.
  • Tie in resources from your supplier.
  • Ensure your policy and strategy requirements are met by the functionality of the product.
The best performing companies all have HR departments that have the mandate to work strategically to fulfill the overall objectives of the organization. For your company to maintain competitive edge in today's market, your corporate HR department must also be granted this opportunity visit :

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

How Can HRMS Software Help You In Growing Your Business?

Behind any successful company stand its encouraged and motivated employees. HRMS Software
actually caters to achieve that through several modules like payroll, personnel management, leave management, records of attendance, organization structure etc.
How can it be beneficial for an organization?
  • The prime benefit that any organization can enjoy is the automation of core functions. The primary functions need to be managed and carefully planned. It can be achieved in an economical way using the HRMS Software.
  • It helps you in the selection of employees. The written tests have been made extinct by it and replaced with the online tests.
  • You also get assisted while handling the huge manpower of your organization.
  • HRMS Software can easily provide for the regular HR needs. You can improve the overall productivity of the HR processes by automating the policies.
  • Keeping a track of the employees' performance is simplified. You can easily calculate the productive hours of any employee and keep a thorough track. This comes in handy when you are evaluating your employees during the time of appraisals.
  • With the help of HRMS Software, you can ascertain if any of your employees is in a need for training that can help improve his skills. It can lead to the morale boost of your employees and enhance their potential at the same time.
  • With features like payroll efficiency, you can expect great accuracy while also reducing the time spent on paperwork. It also eradicates the calculation errors.
  • You will never be wrong with any information about the employee database as the HRMS Software offers you reliability. If you want to review the history of any employee, you can do that and that too in a chronological order right from the beginning of his employment. All the records are maintained in a streamlined manner. This becomes essential when you have a large workforce.
  • When you have all the relevant data, you can process information faster and it accelerates your decision-making process while also making it more efficient.
  • Last but not the least, all the organizations are required to submit legal reports to the government bodies. HRMS Software offers you the formats that are accepted by all those bodies and makes your task easier and more efficient.
With so many benefits and essential features, HRMS Software has become an integral part of every organization. It helps in escorting your business in the right direction for seamless and efficient growth.
Anmol Rawat manages the content and search engine optimization for Endeavour Africa, a group offering efficient HRMS Software solutions to several organizations throughout the world.

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