A smart, intuitive POS software
with features like billing, inventory, price-fixing, wastage
management, promotional offers, inbuilt financial accounting, etc. It
also helps in streamlining your store operations by providing business
intelligent reports that enable timely actions & further encourage
customer buying.
This solution provides complete visibility on the inventory status with
wastage & you can conduct simple daily physical stock audit with
variance reports. Furthermore, you can also integrate POS accessories
like weighing scale, barcodes, etc. with this Fruits & Vegetables
Shop POS software.
- Easy to use with minimum training.
- Holding a sale if a customer decides to buy something else or has forgotten money.
- Floating Operator.
- Weighing scale integration.
- Sell items by count or weight.
- Price control.
- Special offers can be set to a day and time.
- Mix & Match promotions i.e. buy one get one free, including Time, Day and Date for future promotions.
- Fast Tender Keys.
- Sales Review at “point of sale” and back office • Point-of-sale reports and Z report • Online/Offline POS.
Price control | Customer Loyalty program | Bar-coding System | Waste Management | Weighing Scale
Customer Loyalty program | Multiple mode of payment | Reorder Level | Day close Transaction.